Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year

Well here we are 2012. I'm starting this journal to help with my weight loss and just with life in general. I'm currently trying pretty much an Atkins diet. Low carb. Other diets are hard for me to follow. This is all for me to get healthier and to increase my chances in getting pregnant. Thats pretty much my goal in 2012. I'm so done with all the crazy meds that make me feel like a raging hormonal b**ch. I'm done with doctors telling me I need to this and that by this date. I need to get back to taking care of me. I'm never good with deadlines...I procrastinate! I'm doing this on my own time...

2 eggs scrambled
4 pieces bacon

3 pieces bacon
2 hot dogs cut up and fried (no bun)
1 pickle cut up
1 banana
1/2 can Mt. Dew

2 small boneless chicken breasts
about 1 cup of broccoli & cauliflower
1/2 can Mt. Dew

1 banana
10 grapes
1 tangelo

Calorie Count = 1473/1500

Yes I know...the dew needs to go. I will work on it. Diet Dew is awful and I won't drink it. So no suggestions there.

I currently have PCOS which is called Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. It actually is more common than you would think. It took a few doctors to figure out why I wasn't having a period. Why I gained so much weight in a short period of time. It took a really good friend of mine to convince me to go to her OBGYN/GYNO place. I did and after maybe a couple appointments for him to figure it out. I'm at my highest weight and I'm not happy with me. I need to get to a healthier weight and get my crap in check.

To learn more about PCOS...That is a pretty good description....

I'm not here for pity...I'm here for support.


  1. When I gave up caffeine aka Diet Pepsi over the summer last June, I literally went through bad withdrawals and food didnt even taste the same to me anymore. It was horrible! I only was drinking water. It was a very difficult thing to give up, but after 2-3 weeks, I started to get less moody and the water didn't bother so much anymore. Over time, people thought I lost weight, but by just dropping diet soda from my diet, my stomach bloat went down and I felt better. I never would've believed that until it actually happened to me. And then 6 months later, I was not even tempted to have a diet pepsi because I love how I felt about myself more. Hang in there girl! 1 step at a time! :)

  2. I fight the caffeine battle often. I don't have the headaches and such, but the habit itself is tough to get rid of. I tried switching to caffeine free versions of my favorite sodas... and I'm not kidding when I say that the taste triggered my body to think it was taking in caffeine! Of course, that didn't last long. Good luck with the Atkins... one thing that has really helped me (and my family!) to eat healthier is just subbing out some of the not so good ingredients for others. One book you might look into is the Taste of Home Comfort Food Diet book... You'd have to modify carbs, but the recipes are easy to follow and fulfill some of the cravings for comfort food. Overall, good luck. If you ever need anything or just to talk, shoot me a message! Self-image is sooo important. I hope your 2012 brings you all you deserve! Keep up the good work!

  3. Thanks girls! I just want people to be more aware of what I have been fighting for the past 4 years. I just hope to help someone.

  4. Aww sweetie so glad you are continuing to work towards yours goal. Unfortunately I know far too many people with PCOS and after watching you go through this for so long, I know the road ahead for most of them. Jered is selling Type 2 diabetes meds and he has some good diabetic cookbooks. I will make sure I send some good recipes your way. Take care and keep in touch!

  5. Hang in there girl! You can do it!!! :)

  6. I know you can do it! Tyler and I tried for just about 3 years and the last year we did everything we could. I even took my temp and all that stuff and as soon as we relaxed and tried not to think about getting pregnant, it happened. Now im trying to lose weight so i can get healthier again before we try for another little one. Being 268 pounds when I delivered my son was so hard on my knees and my own personal health that I don't want to end up that unhealthy again. Good luck in 2012!!!
