Thursday, February 9, 2012

Day 40 - PCOS rant of the week

EEEEK!!!! Another milestone day....and by that I mean it is day 40 lmao. Well No real like weight loss to speak off. Yeah I took 2 days off and it sets me back. It wasn't like I over did it on sugars. I just didn't avoid carbs. Well with PCOS it is very easy to gain weight if you don't watch what you are eating...and I don't mean by putting it into your mouth. Ugh...I gained back about 2 pounds. Yep. In one weekend. How shitty is that? Thank you PCOS. Here is the other stupid thing...its a pain in the @$$ to lose the weight. For every few pounds a normal person can lose I would lose 1. So every pound counts for me and it is also really exciting. Again then I see others drop pounds like its nothing. Really? How is it fair that I have to lose this weight to get the happiness of a child. Thats my goal...not to look get pregnant. Also to say "Screw you PCOS!" That would be my ultimate moment. I want to win...and if you ask my family (especially my brothers and my cousins) Lahey's never finish last....

Walking 30 and Cleaning 30 - 273

Calories 1435/1500
after - 1162/1500


  1. I blame the weight gain on girls weekend....sorryyyyyyyyyyyyy

  2. Nope....It was my choice to eat what I did! I enjoyed being with you girls and once a year is never enough!
