Monday, August 19, 2013

Job, School, Band, COLORGUARD

Well a lot has changed in the last 3 weeks since I last posted. Well one huge thing...

I GOT A FULL TIME JOB!!!!! I'm a teachers aide for Jasper Unit #1! I will be teaching Title Math in the morning and I will be a one on one aide to a child in the afternoon. I'm so excited!! This means one HUGE thing...INSURANCE!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm so pumped!! My insurance kicks in September 1st. So you can guess we will start going back to Indy after that. I'm excited!!! It makes me happy to know that we won't have to pay out of our pocket. We will be getting some assistance and it makes me finally able to relax! Because of the PCOS I was not able to acquire insurance  one my own because it is a "pre-existing condition". Yep!! You heard it right. I'm so happy to finally get into group insurance and they can't tell me no. Finally, I will be told yes!

Also, band will get into full swing soon. This week is the first full week of band and we have our first outing on Friday for our media night! I'm pretty pumped and I hope my girls are too! We have made a lot of progress. I feel like I have been hard on them but they have made so much progress since band camp it is unbelievable! These girls are amazing and so is my assistant miss Kylee! I wouldn't be at the place I'm at if I didn't have her help! I also can't wait that in less than a month we will be out in full uniform with full make-up and hair. Which I will need to give credit to my guard mom Becky!! Here we go people...its officially Marching Band season and the Newton Marching Eagle colorguard is a force to be reckoned with!!!

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