Sunday, July 29, 2012

I'm back!

Well I'm back after three weeks of Smith Walbridge. This camp is what I look forward to all year. I get to see some of my closest friends for 3 weeks! I love the fraternal bond we have. It is something I honestly can't explain.

Well while living on dorm food for three weeks I can say that I came out lighter than going in. I laid off the carbs and basically ate at least a salad once a day. I also drank lots of water!! I'm happy with that result. I think it was only a few pounds but thats better than nothing. I'm now home resting up and trying to get my sleep pattern back to normal.  Especially considering 4 hours of sleep was my normal while there.

No news on the baby front. Other than the fact I have been off the birth control for a couple months now and I have been able to produce somewhat of a "visitor" on my own without it. I'm also on Metformin and pre-natal vitamins. I guess its making a difference I don't know. I am also going to start the search for a new OB/GYN. I have not heard good things about mine and after my last appointment...well lets just say he talked to me like I was first diagnosed with PCOS. It was anyone in this area have a good guy to go to let me know. :)

Another new goal is to drop some more pounds before my brother gets married in Feb. I mean since I'm a bridesmaid and all!! I'M SO EXCITED!!!!!! I love Jamie like a sister already so I'm glad that it will be all official now.